How to make Free Blog and Website?
How to make a website ? How to make a blog ? If you have heard or know about making money from Internet , then you must know that you can easily earn money sitting at home through a blog or website. Internet is the most unique abisker in today’s world. The most popular thing in the online world is websites and blogs. If you need information about anything or want a solution to any problem, then you search in Google without thinking. There you get lots of solutions. In a way you can also say that there is nothing more knowledge source than Internet and nothing else.
But have you ever thought that the solutions or knowledge that we get from searching on Google, where it comes from. Does Google write these solutions for you? No, all this information gives you different websites and blogs. The work of Google is that it stores the links of those website / blog in its database and shows it in search results.

What is needed to create a blog in 2020?
Many people ask Google to tell the blog Kaise Banaye and they also get the answer and they also make the blog. But still his blog is not a success and neither is he able to make revenue.
So we will first know that in the time of this competition 2020, blog kaise banaye on many popular blogging topics like good news, tech, entertainment, fitness, health, cooking ?
Before creating a blog, choose which topic to do blogging?
The idea or motivation to create a blog comes to most people by looking at the other earning blog, monthly earning report on the internet. In such a situation, on any topic where they see each other blogging, they think that they can be popular in this and there is money in this topic.
But maybe you do not know 90% of such bloggers fail who make a blog just by looking at others. That is why if you want to create a blog in 2020 that can generate organic traffic, can generate revenue.
To choose such a best blogging topic, you have to take help of this tips.

- Every person loves to do something, such as watching movies, listening to / writing songs, cooking or eating, walking, playing games, computer, business, doing jobs, reading books, playing or anything. Whatever you like, you choose that topic for your blog. Example – If you like to play games, then you should choose topic Gaming for your blog.
- The biggest advantage of choosing the topic of your choice is that blogging is not a task for you, interest will be there and you will not have to bother to research the topic to write a post.
The most trending topic list for today’s blogging is here – if you are interested in any of it, then you must write its name in the comment.

Top 25 Trending Topics For New Blog
Arts & Entertainment |
Autos & Vehicles |
Beauty & Fitness |
Books & Literature |
Business & Industrial |
Computers & Electronics |
Finance |
Food & Drink |
Games |
Health |
Hobbies & Leisure |
Home & Garden |
Internet & Telecom |
Jobs & Education |
Law & Government |
News |
Online Communities |
People & Society |
Pets & Animals |
Real Estate |
Reference |
Science |
Shopping |
Sports |
Travel |
Choose the correct Domain & Blog Name
After Topic, we have a second problem that what should we choose our new blog name or domain name?
If you do not know what is domain name meaning ? So click to get information.
We use many types of blog name generator tool for this, take suggestions about it from people. But then you do not know how to choose the right one, in such a situation, you can choose the right name of your blog to help these tips.

- Always keep the domain name or blog name short, simple so that it can be done by just once.
- Try to keep the blog main keyword in the domain URL.
- If you are targeting an audience of a specific area, language, then you must mention it.
- Do not use any special character in the domain URL.
Example – If you have selected the topic to create your blog, then game can be such a domain name.
If you have decided the blog topic and name, then you are ready to make a blog and let’s see,
Blog Kaise Banaye in 2020 ?
In this video, you have been told all the necessary steps for Blog banane. After watching this video, you will not search the “Blog Kaise Banaye” question again, I claim. Because even for this video beginner, Blogging is explained in a very easy way.
Keep in mind all the tips mentioned above, so understand that your complete blog plan is ready, just you have to live it online. This step to step blog setup guide will be helpful for you and you can create your own blog , the world’s popular content management system (CMS).
[STEP 1] डोमेन कैसे और कहा से ख़रीदे?
Personal website free subdomain के साथ बना सकते है लेकिन ऐसा blog बनाना जिसे WordPress CMS पर based हो तो इसके लिए जरुरत होता है एक custom domain name की जैसे की,, etc. और इसके लिए आपको खरीदना होगा के डोमेन और यह कैसे और कहा से खरीदना है इसके बारे में जानते है.
I have given the name of some website below, where you can register and make it your website by building its website. If you want more information, you can ask me, I will give full information about it in another post.
1) (Most popular and easy to use)
Domain Name Provider से ख़रीदे (जैसे की Godaddy)
WordPress पर blog बनाने के लिए Hosting और domain दोनों की जरुरत होता है और हम कभी-कभी domain किसी और जगह से और hosting किसी जगह से खरीदते है. ऐसे में अगर अपने भी सोचा है की domain आप किसी separate domain name provider से खरीदना चाहते है जैसे की Godaddy तो आप इस तरीके से खरीद सकते है.
सबसे पहले Godaddy या ऐसे किसी भी domain name provider के official website पर जाकर account create करे इसके लिए आपके पास एक Mail Id, Phone होना चाहिए बस आप अकाउंट बना सकते है.

Account बनाने के बाद login करे और फिर जो अपने ऊपर बताये गए tips के हिसाब से जो domain name search किया है आप उसे search करे और .com, .net जैसे किसी extension के साथ select करके cart में add करे.
Cart में add करने के बाद plan select करे की आप कितने साल का plan लेना चाहते है उसको सेलेक्ट करे और फिर debit card, wallet से payment करके domain ख़रीदे.

[STEP 2] Hosting कैसे और कहा से ख़रीदे?
हम domain और hosting के ही जगह से खरीद सकते है और जैसा ऊपर बताया गया है STEP 1 में, separate domain की तरह हम separate hosting भी खरीद सकते है. India में दो ऐसे providers है जो की India में सबसे best blog hosting provider हैं.
Hostinger से Blog Hosting ख़रीदे?
New blog बनाने के लिए एक बेहतर hosting की बहुत जरुरत होती है, लेकिन अगर हम नए है तो हमें budget का भी ध्यान रखना होता है. ऐसे में अगर आपको Budget WordPress blog hosting चाहिए तो Hostinger आपके लिए सबसे अच्छा है.
Hostinger India पर इस समय Rs. 79/month से लेकर Rs. 249/month में WordPress shared hosting मिल रहा है. आप इस offer का फायदा तुरंत ले सकते है बस आप यहाँ क्लिक करे और ख़रीदे hosting Hostinger India से,
आप यहाँ से एक सस्ता और अच्छा wordpress website hosting ख़रीद सकते है
Hostgator से Blog Hosting ख़रीदे?
Hostgator WordPress hosting India में बहुत famous है और यह दुनिया के सबसे बड़े hosting companies में से एक है. New blog host करने के लिए यह reputed organization है और आप simple पर login करके Rs. 249/month से WordPress website hosting ख़रीदे सकते है.
[STEP 3] WordPress Blog Setup कैसे करे?
हमने ये जान लिया की एक new blog बनाने के लिए domain खरीद लिया, hosting खरीद लिया है. अब जरुरत है इन दोनों आपस में जोड़ने की और एक blog की सक्ल देने की इसके लिए हमें जरुरी blog setup quick guide को follow करने की फिर आपका blog internet पर live हो जायेगा.
अगर अपने के ही जगह से hosting और domain खरीदते है तो इसके direct cPanel में जाकर WordPress setup किया जा सकता है लेकिन अगर domain और hosting दो अलग-अलग provider से लिया है तो इन दोनों को एक साथ जोड़ने की जरुरत है.
जब आप hosting buy करते है तो हमें दो NameServers मिलते है जो कुछ इस तरह से दिखते है.
Blog Kaise Banaye By Hemant Singh
इन दोनों को, आपने जहा से domain ख़रीदा है वहा पर पहले से मौजूद पहले से जो Nameservers है उनकी जगह hosting द्वारा दिए गए nameservers को add करना होगा.

After doing this, we have to go to hosting cPanel and then install WordPress CMS Application .

After WordPress is installed, you will have to open the browser and wp-admin search with your URL. Like and then complete all the process step by step, after that you can log in with UserName and Password.
How to apply Theme on New Blog?
By the way, our blog has been setup only after completing the previous step and we can start publishing the content if you want. But when you internet open your blog by entering your domain name, you might not like the blog without a theme.
So in such a way, to put Header, Logo, Footer, Slide all in the blog properly, we need to install a WordPress theme and here is some Top free WordPress list , from which you can select your favorite theme. .
Installing the theme after login to the WordPress dashboard is very easy.
- Go to apprearance.
- Go to Theme Option.
- Go to Add New option.
If you have downloaded the theme from your system, then click on upload, upload new blog theme and install and activate it and if not you can add and customize a new theme from the Direct Dashboard.
Friends, Hopefully you must have understood that Blog Kaise Banaye in 2020? And how to setup new blog? I have told about almost all possible information about it. These tips will be helpful for you if you make any topic on the blog. Do share if you apply well.
How to make a website ? How to make a blog ? If you have heard or know about making money from Internet , then you must know that you can easily earn money sitting at home through a blog or website. Internet is the most unique abisker in today’s world. The most popular thing in the online world is websites and blogs. If you need information about anything or want a solution to any problem, then you search in Google without thinking. There you get lots of solutions. In a way you can also say that there is nothing more knowledge source than Internet and nothing else.