MP Board Class 10th English Solutions Guide Pdf Free Download of Text Books The Rainbow, The Spring Blossom Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary are part of MP Board Class 10th Solutions. Here we have given Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Pdf of The Rainbow, The Spring Blossom Textbook Workbook Special, and General English Class 10th Solutions.
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MP Board Class 10th English Book Solutions
FREE downloadable MP Board Class 10th Special English The Rainbow Text Book, Workbook Solutions and MP Board Class 10th General English The Spring Blossom Text Book, Workbook Solutions and Answers Guide Pdf download.
The Rainbow Textbook Special English Class 10th Solutions
You can download MP Board The Rainbow Textbook (Special English) Class 10 Solutions, Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary, Lessons: Pronunciation, Translation, Word Meanings, Textual Exercises.
- Chapter 1 Goodwill (Yajurveda (V-S))
- Chapter 2 The Happy Prince (Oscar Wilde)
- Chapter 3 Of Expense (Francis Bacon)
- Chapter 4 To the Cuckoo (William Wordsworth)
- Chapter 5 Refund (Fritz Karinthy)
- Chapter 6 Two Gentlemen of Verona (A.J.Cronin)
- Chapter 7 Report of An Adjudged Case (William Cowper)
- Chapter 8 What is Culture? (Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru)
- Chapter 9 If (Rudyard Kipling)
- Chapter 10 The Last Leaf (O’ Henry)
- Chapter 11 Mending Wall (Robert Frost)
- Chapter 12 The Pie and the Tart (Hugh Chesterman)
- Chapter 13 Three Days to See (Hellen Keller)
- Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree (W.B. Yeats)
- Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat
- Chapter 16 All the World’s a Stage (William Shakespeare)
- Chapter 17 The Bet (Anton Chekhov Pavlovich)
- Chapter 18 The Bridge Builder (Will Allen Dromgoole)
- Chapter 19 If I Were You
- Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm (M.K. Gandhi)
- Chapter 21 Gitanjali (Rabindranath Tagore)
The Rainbow Workbook Special English Class 10th Solutions
You can download MP Board The Rainbow Workbook(Special English) Class 10 Solutions and Answers.
- Chapter 1 Goodwill
- Chapter 2 The Happy Prince
- Chapter 3 Of Expense
- Chapter 4 To the Cuckoo
- Chapter 5 Refund
- Chapter 6 Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Chapter 7 Report of An Adjudged Case
- Chapter 8 What is Culture?
- Chapter 9 If
- Chapter 10 The Last Leaf
- Chapter 11 Mending Wall
- Chapter 12 The Pie and the Tart
- Chapter 13 Three Days to See
- Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree
- Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat
- Chapter 16 All the World’s a Stage
- Chapter 17 The Bet
- Chapter 18 The Bridge Builder
- Chapter 19 If I Were You
- Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm
- Chapter 21 Gitanjali
MP Board Class 10th Special English Reading Skills
MP Board Class 10th Special English Reading Unseen Passages
- Unseen Passages Factual
- Unseen Passages Discursive
- Unseen Passages Literary
MP Board Class 10th Special English Writing Skills
Short Composition
- Short Composition with Guidance
- Notice Writing
- Message Writing
- Telegram Writing
- Postcard Writing
Long Composition
- Composition: Verbal Stimulus
- Composition: Visual Stimulus
MP Board Class 10th Special English Grammar
- Special English Grammar Type I
- Special English Grammar Type II
- Special English Grammar Type III
- Special English Grammar Type IV
- Special English Grammar Type V
- Special English Grammar Type VI
- Special English Grammar Type VII
The Spring Blossom Textbook General English Class 10th Solutions
You can download MP Board The Spring Blossom Textbook General English Class 10th Solutions, Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary, Lessons: Pronunciation, Translation, Word Meanings, Textual Exercises.
- Chapter 1 Light the Lamp of Thy Love
- Chapter 2 The Power of Determination
- Chapter 3 Salutation to the Nation
- Chapter 4 Children
- Chapter 5 The Sneeze
- Chapter 6 The New Player in the Team
- Chapter 7 Anger
- Chapter 8 One Step Ahead
- Chapter 9 The Tribute-I
- Chapter 10 The Tribute-II
- Chapter 11 Wind
- Chapter 12 Maharana Pratap
- Chapter 13 Opportunity for Youth
- Chapter 14 The Pot of Gold
- Chapter 15 In Memoriam
- Chapter 16 The Red Rice Granary
- Chapter 17 Torch Bearers
- Chapter 18 The Tables Turned
MP Board Class 10th General English Reading Skills
MP Board Class 10th General English Reading Unseen Passages
- Important Extracts from Prose
- Important Extracts from Poems
- Unseen Passages
MP Board Class 10th General English Writing Skills
- Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters
- Note Making and Summarising
- Writing Task (Based on Verbal / Visual Stimulus)
- Essay Writing
MP Board Class 10th General English Grammar
- Tenses
- Modals
- Sentence Connectors
- Non-finite Forms of Verbs
- Clauses
- Translation
- Supplementary Material (Based on ‘Reading Time’ Section of Work-Book)
MP Board Class 10th General English Syllabus & Marking Scheme
Time: 3.00 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Unitwise Weightage
Section | Topics | Marks |
A | Reading Skills Reading Unseen Passages | 15 |
B | Writing Skills | 20 |
C | Grammar | 20 |
D | Prescribed Text Book | 45 |
Total | 100 |
Section A
Reading (15 Marks, 27 Periods)
A1, A2 & A3 Three unseen passages of total 450 words with a variety of questions including 3 marks for vocabulary.
The prose passage will be
Factual passage, e.g. instruction, description, report etc.
Discursive passage e.g. argumentative, interpretative, persuasive etc and
Literary passage, e.g. fiction, poetry, interview, biography etc in nature.
About 150 words in length (5 Marks)
About 150 words in length (5 Marks)
About 150 words in length (5 Marks)
There will be questions for local comprehension besides questions on vocabulary and comprehension of higher-level skills such as drawing inferences and conclusions.
MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Section B
Writing (20 Marks, 36 Periods)
B1 – Letter writing: One letter based on provided verbal stimulus and context. (6 Marks)
Types of Letter: informal: personal – such as to family and friends
Formal: letters of complaints, enquiries, requests, applications.
B2 – Note making and summarising: 6 Marks
(a) Students will be asked to make notes on the passage given (100 words). (3 Marks)
(b) The students will be asked to prepare a summary looking at the given notes. (3 Marks)
B3 – Composition: A short writing task based on a verbal and/or visual stimulus (diagram, picture, graph, map, chart, table, flow chart etc) (80 words) (8 Marks)
an essay in about 200 words on topics of day to day life.
After given an example practice to a student to write an original composition for two or three years, the option of ‘Essay’ may be eliminated.
MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Section C
Grammar and Translation (20 Marks, 36 Periods)
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Test Types used will include cloze, gap-filling, sentence completion, sentence- re-ordering, editing, dialogue-completion and sentence transformation. The grammar syllabus for this class will include the following areas for teaching:
- Use of non-finite
- Sentence connectives: as, since, while, then, just because, just until
- Clauses with what, where and how
- Past Tense
- Modals: can, could, may, must, might
- Translation (from Hindi to Eng) (05 marks)
Note: All other areas covered in Class IX will be tested in Class X as this is an integrated course for this area of learning.
MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Section D
Text Books (45 Marks, 81 Periods)
Prose (20 Marks)
D1 and D2 – Two extracts from different prose lessons included in the textbook (approximately 100 words each) (5 × 2 = 10 marks)
These extracts chosen from different lessons will be literary and discursive in nature. Each extract will be of 5 marks. One mark in each extract will be for vocabulary. 4 marks in each passage will be used for testing local and global comprehension besides a question on interpretation.
D3 – One out of two questions: extrapolative in nature based on any one of the prose lessons from the textbook to be answered in about 50 to 80 words. (6 Marks)
D4 – One out of two questions on drama text (local and global comprehension questions) (25-30 words) (4 Marks)
Poetry (10 Marks)
D5 – One out of two extracts from different poems from the prescribed reader, each followed by two or three questions to test the local and global comprehension of the set text. (3 Marks)
D6 – One out of two short answer type questions on the interpretation of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be answered in about 20-25 words each. (3 Marks)
D7 and D8 – Two out of three short answer type questions on the appreciation of the poems. (4 Marks) (15 Marks)
D9 – One out of two questions from supplementary Materials to interpret, evaluate and analyse character, the plot or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 100 words. (7 Marks)
D10 & D11 – Two out of three short answer type questions of interpretative and evaluative nature based on lessons (2 × 2 = 4 Marks)
D12 & D13 – Two out of three short answer type questions based on factual aspects of the lessons. (2 × 2 = 4 Marks)
MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Book Prescribed:
- Text Book – The Spring Blossom
- WorkBook – The Spring Blossom
Compiled by M.P. Rajya Shiksha Kendra and Published by M.P. Text Book Corporation.
MP Board Class 10th Special English Syllabus & Marking Scheme
Time: 3.00 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Unitwise Weightage
Section | Topics | Marks |
A | Reading Skills (Reading Unseen Passages) | 30 |
B | Writing Skills | 30 |
C | Grammar | 15 |
D | Prescribed TextBook | 25 |
Total | 100 |
Section A: Reading (30 Marks)
Three unseen passages with a variety of comprehension questions, including 5 marks for word attack skills such as word formation and inferring meaning: (54 Periods)
- About 150 words in length (8 marks)
- About 200 words in length (8 marks)
- About 300 words in length (14 marks)
The total of the passages will be about 650 words. The passage will include one each of the following types:
Factual passage, e.g., instruction, description, report.
Discursive passage involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text.
Literary passage, e.g., extract from fiction, drama, poetry essay or biography.
In the case of a poetry extract, the text may be shorter than 150 words.
MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Section B: Writing (30 Marks)
Four writing tasks as indicated below: (54 Periods)
- A linguistically controlled task, where a student builds up a composition with guidance (5 marks)
- Short composition of not more than 50 words, e.g., a note or notice, message, telegram, short postcard.
- Composition based on a verbal and/or visual stimuli such as an advertisement; notice, newspaper cutting, table, diary extracts, notes, letter or other forms of correspondence (10 marks)
- Composition based on a verbal and/or visual stimuli such as a diagram, picture, graph, map, cartoon, or flow chart. (10 marks)
One of the longer (10 marks) compositions will draw on the thematic content of the Main Course Book…
At least one task will involve the production of a form of correspondence, e.g., a letter, postcard, note or notice.
One task will involve the production of discursive text in which the student is required to express his/her point of view on the topic given.
Section C: Grammar (15 Marks)
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context (i.e., not in isolated sentences). Test types will include, for example., cloze (gap filling exercise with blanks at regular interval), sentences-completion, sentence-recording, editing, dialogue. Completion and sentence transformation. (27 Periods)
The grammar syllabus will be sampled each year, with marks allotted for different areas of the content of the syllabus prescribed for class IX as well as X as detailed below:
By the end of the course, students should be able to use the following accurately and appropriately in context.
1. Verbs forms
Tenses: Present/Past forms, Simple/Continuous forms, Perfect forms, Future time reference, Modals, Active and Passive Voice, Subject-Verb agreement, Non-finite verb forms (infinitive and participles)
2. Sentence Structure
Connectors, Types of Sentences: affirmative/interrogative sentences, negation exclamations, Types of phrases and clauses, Finite and non-finite clauses, noun clauses and phrases, adjective clauses and phrases, adverb and phrases, Indirect Speech, Comparison, Nominalisation
3. Other Areas
Determiners, Pronouns, Prepositions.
- Two extracts from different poems from the prescribed readers, each followed by two or three questions to test local and global comprehension of the set text. Each extract will carry four marks. (8 marks)
- One or two questions based on one of the drama texts from the prescribed reader to test local and global comprehension of the set text. An extract may or may not be used. (5 marks)
- One questions based on one of the prose text from the prescribed reader to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set text. (4 marks)
- One extended questions based on one of the prose texts from the prescribed reader to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set text. (8 marks)
Questions will test comprehension at different levels; literal inferential and evaluative.
At the end of class X, the Board’s three-hour examination will test reading and writing skills specified in the teaching/testing objectives together with representative samples of the literature and grammar objectives. The structure of the class X examination paper will be in accordance with the sample paper given in Grammar WorkBook. MP Board Class 10th English Solutions
Book Prescribed:
- Textbook – The Rainbow
- Workbook – The Rainbow
Compiled by M.P. Rajya Shiksha Kendra and Published by M.P. Text Book Corporation. Bhopal.
MP Board Class 10 Special English Blue Print of Question Paper
You can download MP Board Class 10th English Blueprint and Marking Scheme 2019-2020 in Hindi and English medium.

MP Board Class 10 General English Blue Print of Question Paper

MP Board Class 10 Special English Format of Question Paper Design

MP Board Class 10 General English Format of Question Paper Design

We hope the given MP Board Class 10th English Solutions Guide Pdf Free Download of Books The Rainbow, The Spring Blossom Solutions, Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary will help you. If you have any queries regarding Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Pdf of The Rainbow, The Spring Blossom Textbook Workbook Special and General English Class 10th Solutions, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
What is the full form of MPBSE?
MPBSE is the short form for Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education. Hemant Singh
What are the marks needed to pass the MP Board Exams?
To be deemed passed, students need to score at least 33 per cent marks aggregate and in each subject in MPBSE class 10 and class 12 exams. In 2018, nearly 20 lakh students had registered for the exam of which, 7.69 lakh are from class 12 or HSSC, nearly 11.48 lakh are from class 10.
About Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
The Madhya Pradesh Board which conducts the Class 10 and Class 12 examinations in the state was established under the Madhya Pradesh Secondary Education Act, 1965. The Board was formed to regulate and conduct the affairs of the secondary education in the state. The MP Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) serves as an exam conducting body and it regulates the education policies in the affiliated schools. The MPBSE conducts annual board exams to evaluate the academic performance of students at the HSC and the HSSC levels. The first MP Board examinations were held in the year 1959-60, in which approximately 80,000 students participated. Since then, the MP Board has managed to raise the number of participants significantly to approximately 10 lakh in past few years. Each year lakhs of students participate in the MP Board 12 Examinations and MP Board 10 Examinations conducted by the MPBSEs.