Narendra Awasthi Solutions: Students can refer to Narendra Awasthi Solutions for Physical Chemistry provided below. These solutions have been developed based on the latest Narendra Awasthi book for the current academic year. Please click on the links below to download the solutions in PDF format

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Narendra Awasthi Solutions
All solutions for Narendra Awasthi are provided in PDF format. Students can easily download them and read by taking printouts. This will help you to study offline without the internet. The students should study Narendra Awasthi Questions and answers. Students will be able to like and understand all topics properly. Because going through the answers is very important. And these answers will help you a lot.
You can refer to our Textbook Solutions page for more solutions as here we have the biggest database of solutions for all chapters in books written by various publishers. All solutions are available for free for students. Where can I download Narendra Awasthi Solutions for Physical Chemistry?
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Yes, all concepts and topics are explained in a very useful manner in this book written by Narendra Awasthi and we have provided all questions and answers for you to download.
Narendra Awasthi Solution for Chemistry
Narendra Awasthi Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry has 11 chapters: Stoichiometry, Atomic Structure, Gaseous State, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics & Nuclear Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Dilute Solution, Solid State, and Surface Chemistry. It is very important to opt for Narendra Awasthi Physical Chemistry pdf that can prove to be of much use to the students. Let us have a brief look at the different chapters to get a good idea about it.
- Stoichiometry: In this chapter, students get to learn about Stoichiometry. Students get to know about the different laws of chemical combination. Law of constant composition, the law of multiple proportions, the law of conservation of mass, the law of reciprocal proportions, Avogadro’s law, and so on have been discussed in this chapter.
- Students can also understand the Daltons atomic theory, modern atomic theory, and mole concept. The students need to know about the average or mean atomic mass, average or mean molar mass and so on. Getting to know about the empirical formula, molecular formula, and so on is possible for the students to learn from this chapter.
- The concept of limiting reagent and concentration terms, volume strength of H2O2, has been discussed in this chapter. There are other important topics such as redox, equivalent Volumetric analysis, Valence factor, including the types of reactions, etc. Concepts such as titrations, precipitation titration, and so on have been discussed in this chapter.
Atomic Structure: Here, the students learn about atomic structure. Getting to know about the atomic number of an element is possible from this chapter. Here, students can get to know about the terms associated with isotopes, isotone, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, isoelectronic, and so on. Students can also get to know about other important topics such as Size of the nucleus, electromagnetic spectrum light spectral lines, photoelectric effect, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and so on. Getting to know about the quantum number, shell, sub-shells, curves, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, and so on are included in this chapter.
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- Gaseous State: In this chapter, students get to know about the gaseous state. Students get to know about the concept of ideal gas as well as the instruments for pressure calculations. The experimental gas laws have been defined in this chapter. The equation of state, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, relative humidity, and so on have been discussed in this chapter. Students also get to know about Graham’s law of diffusion or Effusion.
- The isotopic separation factor, including the kinetic theory of gases, types of speeds, the relationship between 3 types of speeds, Maxwell speed distribution law, real gases, deviation from ideal behaviour interpretation of deviation from Vander Waals equation, etc., have been clearly explained in the best way. Students are also able to get the right idea on critical constants like critical pressure, critical temperature, critical volume, and so on.
Thermodynamics: In this chapter, students are able to learn about thermodynamics. Students get to know about the different system types: an open system, closed system, and isolated system. This chapter also deals with the concepts of thermodynamic properties which are intensive properties and extensive properties. It is also possible to understand the concept of thermodynamic processes which are isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, adiabatic, and polytropic. .The idea about the reversible process and the irreversible process has also been discussed in this chapter.
It is also possible to learn about the concept of enthalpy including Kirchoff’s equation. There are also other concepts of enthalpy as types of work, calculation of work done in various processes. Learning about heat capacity, including the second law of thermodynamics, calculation of entropy change, Reversible phase transformation, and so on. This law also focuses on the 3rd law of thermodynamics.
It is very important to know about the effect of temperature, which has been included in this chapter. The concept of thermochemistry like enthalpy of reaction, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of transition, enthalpy of combustion enthalpy of Fusion, enthalpy of dilution, enthalpy of solution, enthalpy of sublimation enthalpy of vaporization, etc has been explained.
Chemical Equilibrium: Here, the students learn about chemical equilibrium. Students can get to know about the types of reaction, which are reversible and irreversible. The characteristics of equilibrium state, the law of mass action, the law of chemical equilibrium, types of equilibrium constant, unit of the equilibrium constant, types of chemical equilibria, including the expression of K for equilibrium reaction, have been explained in this chapter.
Predicting the extent of reaction as well as predicting the direction of direction has also been discussed where students can get to know about the important point about the equilibrium constant. It is also possible for the students to learn about the relationship between the degree of dissociation and vapour density. It also includes the importance as well as the effect of change in pressure on melting point. The concept of solubility of substances as well as solubility of gases in liquids and the effect of temperature have been focused on in this chapter.
Ionic Equilibrium: In this chapter, students get to learn about ionic equilibrium. They get to know about Arrhenius Theory in the best way. Getting the right idea about conjugate acid and base is possible for the students in this chapter. It is also possible to know about Lewis concept and Ostwald dilution law. The idea about the ionic product of water pH concept, including the calculation of weak acid and pH calculation of mixture of two weak acids, have been discussed in this chapter. It is possible to get the right information about salt hydrolysis.
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The idea about maximum buffer capacity, including the theory of indicators, solubility and solubility product, has been added here. The idea about common ion effects and simultaneous solubility and the effect of complex formation and hydrolysis on solubility have been discussed in this chapter.
Students can get to know about the types of reaction, which are reversible and irreversible. The characteristics of equilibrium state, the law of mass action, the law of chemical equilibrium, types of equilibrium constant, unit of the equilibrium constant, types of chemical equilibria, including the expression of K for equilibrium reaction, have been explained in this chapter. Predicting the extent of reaction and predicting the direction of direction has also been discussed. Students can get to know about the important point about the equilibrium constant. It is also possible for the students to learn about the relationship between the degree of dissociation and vapour density. It also includes the importance as well as the effect of change in pressure on melting point. The concept of solubility of substances and solubility of gases in liquids, and the effect of temperature have been focused on in this chapter.
Chemical Kinetics & Nuclear Chemistry: Here, the students learn about Chemical Kinetics & Nuclear Chemistry. Expression of the rate and the units of reaction rate during concepts like molecularity, order of reaction, parallel or side reaction, series are consecutive reaction, and so on have been dispatched in this chapter. Students need to learn about logarithmic expression. It is also possible in getting the right idea about the factors that affect reaction rates. Getting the right idea about declare chemistry radioactivity, radioactivity types, group displacement law, magic numbers and nuclear stability, and so on have been explained in this chapter.
The idea about artificial nuclear reactions like Alpha particle-induced, deuteron induced, Proton induced, neutron induced, and so on have been discussed. Getting the right idea about radioactive equilibrium, secular equilibrium, radioactivity applications, nuclear fission, nuclear Fusion, etc. are included in this chapter.
It is also possible to know about the right information of mass defect applicable in both nuclear reaction and isotope formation. There are also other concepts that are included in this chapter, like Binding energy and nuclear stability, and so on.
Electrochemistry: Here, in this chapter, the students learn about electrochemistry. Understanding electrolytic cell is possible from this chapter. It also stresses the quantitative aspect of electrolysis that includes Faraday’s law of electrolysis. Students can get the right idea about the first law of electrolysis, the second law of electrolysis, along with the galvanic cell, salt bridge, function of a salt bridge, representation of a cell, and so on. Getting the right idea about Nernst’s Equation is also possible from this chapter.
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It becomes easy to understand cell thermodynamics as well. It is also possible for the students to understand concentration cell. The different types of the electrode have also been discussed in this chapter along with anode and cathode. Students can get to know how electrochemical cells can be used as batteries that are of two types which are primary battery and secondary battery. In this chapter, the concept of fuel cells, corrosion, conductance, including specific conductivity or conductivity and molar conductivity, radiation of conductivity and molar conductivity with concentration, etc. have been discussed. Understanding Kohlrausch’s law is also possible as well. The idea about conductometric titration as well as the conductometric titration of HCl with NaOH has been discussed.
Dilute Solution: In this chapter, students get to learn about the concept of dilute solution. The students need to get the right idea about vapour pressure. They should know that vapour pressure is not a surface phenomenon. Well, in this chapter, they get to know about this important concept that would help in getting the right idea about it.
This chapter also includes Raoult’s law. Students get to learn about the liquid solution that contains non-volatile solute and the vapour pressure of the solution that contains volatile solute and volatile solvent. The types of real or non-ideal solutions have also been discussed in this chapter. Students also get to know about us your topic solutions which are binary mixtures.
It is also possible to get the right idea about completely immiscible liquids. Here it is also possible to learn about colligative properties, normal colligative properties, relative lowering of vapour pressure, including the Ostwald Walker method and so on. Concepts like osmotic pressure, isotonic solutions, abnormal colligative properties, hypertonic and hypotonic solution, Henry law, have also been included in this chapter.
Solid State: Here, students are able to learn about the solid state. Students get to learn about the different types of solids which are crystalline solids and amorphous solids—getting the right idea about intermolecular forces and their properties of the types of solid, including ionic, molecular, covalent network, and metallic. They are also different types of crystal systems that include cubic, monoclinic, triclinic, triclinic, tetragonal, hexagon, etc. The different formulas have also been included in this chapter where the students can get to know about it in the best way. Understanding the cubic system is also possible from this chapter.
There are also different types of packing with coordination number, number of atoms for unit cell, packing fraction, and types of packing. This chapter also includes the types of voids: triangular void, tetrahedral void, octahedral void, and cubic void. The idea of the radius ratio and the types of ionic structure has also been included in this chapter.
Students get to know about the location of the particle of the different and structures, which are rock salt, zinc blende, fluorite structure, anti fluorite structure and so on. It is also possible to learn about Bragg’s equation and its defects like Stoichiometric defects and non-stoichiometric defects. Getting to know about the electrical properties is also possible when students study this chapter in the best way. The different magnetic properties which are paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, diamagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic, have been discussed here.
Surface Chemistry: Getting to know about Surface Chemistry is possible in this chapter. In this chapter, students get to learn about the terms that are related to adsorption and absorption. The adsorption characteristics have been discussed in this chapter, where students can get to know the right idea about it. There are different adsorption types based on the concentration that is positive adsorption and negative adsorption. It is also based on forces that exist between adsorbate molecule and adsorbent.
The comparison between physisorption and chemisorption have been explained in this chapter. Different factors affect adsorption, such as the effect of nature of the absorbent, nature of the gas, specific area of the solid, and the gas’s pressure. Adsorption isotherm, including Langmuir adsorption isotherm and Freundlich adsorption isotherm, has been discussed in this chapter.
Students also get to learn about the application of adsorption. It also discusses catalyst which includes a positive catalyst, negative catalyst, autocatalyst, and so on. Getting the right idea about catalyst promoters is also possible from this chapter. Other important topics like homogeneous catalytic reaction, heterogeneous catalytic reaction, absorption theory of heterogeneous catalyst, and so on have been discussed.
Students also get to learn about enzyme catalyst, including the mechanism of enzyme catalyst, colloids, dispersed phase, the dispersion medium, and so on. The classification of colloids is done based on the physical state of disperse phase and dispersion medium and on the interaction or affinity of phases.
The idea about lyophilic colloids and lyophobic colloids have been included here. Students get to know about the type of particles of the dispersed phase that is based on the multimolecular colloid, associated colloids and macromolecular colloids. It is also possible to know about craft temperature and critical micelle concentration. The preparation of colloids such as mechanical dispersion, peptization and electrical dispersion have been explained in this chapter. It is also possible to know about the purification of a colloidal solution that involves dialysis and electrolysis.
The mechanical properties include Brownian movement and sedimentation along with optical properties, which include the Tyndall effect. There are also different electrical properties which include electrophoresis and Electro osmosis. The idea about electrical double layer, electrokinetic potential, coagulation, coagulation value, Hardy Schulze rule, and so on have been included in this chapter. It also includes the isoelectric point of colloid, protective colloids, gold number, emulsions, and so on. It also includes the concept of the distinction between 2 types of emulsions which are dye test and dilution test. The preparation of emulsion, which is also known as emulsifications and the function of Emulsifier and demulsification and the uses of colloids have been.
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