NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry by Education Learn Academy, is a course formulated for students who want to go the extra mile and achieve great marks in their examinations.
These NCERT solutions class 11 chemistry are prepared by teachers who are very experienced. These teachers know the parameters and guidelines set by NCERT and accordingly frame the NCERT Chemistry Class 11 Solutions.
All our solutions are presented in a very simple language so that you can understand the basics of chemistry with ease.
NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry Free PDF Download (Chapter-wise)

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How NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry can help you reach your goals?
Chemistry is an interesting subject but many of your students might find it confusing to understand. It can be a struggle for many of you. But, hold on! There is always a solution to a problem.
NCERT Sols for Class 11
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Benefits of opting for our NCERT Chemistry Class 11 Solutions
Importance of NCERT Solutions
Chemistry is the basis of different fields of science. Whether you want to become an engineer or a doctor, chemistry is one subject that you need to have a stronghold on. To understand chemistry better, NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry allows a student to solve their doubts and thus helps them to perform well in their examinations.
Now the question comes what is NCERT? Well, in simple terms, NCERT is a National board which published textbooks for students to understand the concepts in a clearer and simpler way. NCERT, not only provides textbooks for NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry but also provides simplified textbooks for other subjects as well. At Education Learn Academy, we aim at providing a simplified way of teaching to students and help them to understand the basic concepts of Chemistry Class 11 NCERT Solutions in a better way. Students enrolled with us can download every chapter together or individually as well.
As discussed earlier, when if a child wishes to take up science during high school, chemistry is a mandatory subject. There are basically 2 combinations which student can take in the science stream. The first combination is Chemistry with Biology or Chemistry with Physics. No matter which combination you choose, chemistry is a must.
Now coming to the basics of Chemistry, it is a subject which deals with chemical reactions, the matter of objects, elements, atoms, molecules, noble gases, etc. To get the basics right in chemistry, at Education Learn Academy we strongly advise you that you seek help from our NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry. If your basics are strong, then your dreams of studying in IIT or AIIMS will come true. To crack the entrance exams,
your basic needs to be strong. And here is where Education Learn Academy helps you to prepare and strengthen your roots of that subject. We provide Class 11 Chemistry NCERT Solutions of the integral portions of the chemistry syllabus. This compressed course which we provide helps you to strengthen your basic and understanding of the subject.
Quality of solutions
We have formulated the study material in such a way that helps students to understand how a problem should be approached and how to solve them. Even out team of teachers with the help of their expertise train the students to solve problems at ease.
Prepared by expert teachers
Our teachers are very experienced, and with the wealth of experience they have jotted down a few solutions that cover important parts and chapters. These solutions were designed by studying thoroughly questions papers from past years and Education Learn Academy gives you the guarantee that these solutions will surely help you to prepare for your exams.
Helps in scoring good marks
These NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry are designed for students in a very simple language. This simplicity is maintained so that students can understand the matter easily and this will help them in preparing thoroughly before the exams. All the questions and matter are designed keeping in mind the present exam trends and syllabus. If you follow our NCERT Solution Class 11 Chemistry, then you can rest be assured that your exam preparation is going on the right track.
CBSE Class 11 Chemistry NCERT Solutions
All the study material of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry NCERT Solutions provided by us, is available to you, and it is completely free. We believe knowledge is free and everyone has the right to acquire it. To make sure that your students perform outstandingly in your board examinations, all our CBSE NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry are available to you for free. All you need to do is enroll with us.
Ease of understanding/ studying/ memorizing
The NCERT Solution Class 11 Chemistry formulated by us is designed in a very easy language so that students can understand and memorize the content and principles without any having issues in understanding the topic. All the solutions with proper explanations are given so that the basics of chemistry is clear and thus helps in building the foundation of chemistry within a student.
Accurate solutions
The NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry that we provide are formulated by experienced teachers and hence they are accurate. With our accurate solutions, you can rest assured that your basic chemistry will become stronger than before.
We follow the NCERT guidelines
Education Learn Academy strictly follows the format and guidelines laid down by NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry and the boards. We do not formulate any study material which does not meet the guidelines. So, if you enroll with us, you can rest assured that all the study materials which you will be receiving are 100% authentic and it follows all the guidelines laid down by NCERT.
Free study material
Now you must be wondering, what we do that makes studying chemistry so easy? The answer is our innovative way of delivering knowledge. If you take our NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry, then you will get to know the view of our Free conceptual videos, free live classes, access to important PDFs and study materials, all through our Education Learn Academy. Our course also involves numerous tests which will help you to understand how well you are prepared for your main examinations. All you need to do is download our App- Education Learn Academy, and get started with your exam preparation.
Our NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry provides a deep insight into all the important chapters and concepts of class 11 chemistry. Students also have the freedom of studying which chapters they want. According to their wishes, they can download the chapters and complete the syllabus accordingly. Also, all of our study materials come with solved questions and answers. This helps the student to save time and understand the concepts in an easier format.
The NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry are designed for those to dream to reach for the stars. These solutions help a student to understand the concepts rather than encouraging them to mug it up. If you know how the concepts are applicable in the real world, then it becomes much easier for you to understand the theory behind the concept. All the answers in our study material are written is an easier language for students to understand the matter properly. The deep understanding of the subject helps a student to perform well in the exams as well as create a strong base for chemistry. Science and especially chemistry is a subject that needs to be understood and not learning it by heart. If you understand the basic concepts and principles then it will be a cakewalk for you. If you don’t then it will lead to disaster. Our study materials answer the toughest questions in a simpler way, thus helping students to understand the subject better.
Vendantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry offer all the solutions to the important chapters of Chemistry. Whether you are searching for solutions from Environmental chemistry, organic chemistry or even the basics, our solution has got everything covered. The solutions are designed by teachers who have been teaching in this field for decades. Their wealth of experience is the primary reason for our strategic as well as well planned study material.
Chapter 1- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
To master in chemistry, the first law is to understand the basics. A strong foundation is what is needed to excel in this subject.
Our NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry highlights the importance of this chapter in our daily lives. This chapter helps students the role of chemistry in our day to day lives. It explains the laws of chemistry and different types of chemical combinations. Also, a student will get introduced to Dalton’s atomic theory in this chapter.
This theory explains the basics of chemistry like the role of atoms and molecules in the nature of matters. Further, this chapter also talks about chemical reactions, chemical reactions, molar mass molecular formulas, etc. This chapter has 36 questions that will help the students to cover the entire topic.
Chapter 2- Atom structure
This chapter introduces the concept of atoms, electrons, protons, and neutrons. Also, you will understand the concepts of isotopes, atomic number, and isobars. These concepts are important for you to understand, as these will build a strong foundation of chemistry in you. Apart from the basic concepts, this chapter will also introduce the students to advanced theories like Rutherford’s model, Thomson’s model and Bohr’s model, their uses and their limitations. Also, we will discuss the concepts of subshells, shells, de Broglie’s relationship, dual nature of light and matter, Heisenberg uNCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry principle, shapes of s, the concept of orbitals, p and d orbitals, quantum numbers, etc. The chapter will also teach you the usage of principles like Hund’s rule, the Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle, etc. It will also teach you the laws of filling electrons to orbitals with the help of the above-mentioned laws. Apart from these, the stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, electronic configuration of atoms, etc will be discussed in this chapter. The “Atom structure” chapter has 67 questions in total and these questions will help you to understand the learn the chapter with ease.
Chapter 3: Periodicity in Properties and Classification of Elements
In this chapter, we will go in-depth about the learning of the periodic table. You will be introduced to the history of the development of the periodic table, how it is classified, periodic law and how the entire periodic table developed. You will also learn about the valency, ionic radii, electron gain enthalpy, atomic radii, electronegativity, inert gas radii Ionization enthalpy, etc. All these are discussed in this chapter to improve the understanding of basic chemistry concepts. This chapter has 40 questions related to the periodic table and the different concepts of atom properties.
Chapter 4- Molecular Structure and Chemical Bonding
This chapter deals with the core concepts of molecular structures. This chapter will introduce you to concepts like an ionic bond, valence electrons, covalent bonds, etc. Furthermore, you will also learn about the Lewis structure, bond parameters, polar character of covalent bond, valence bond theory, the geometry of covalent molecules, the covalent character of an ionic bond, etc. You will also be introduced to the concept of hybridization, s, p and d orbitals, VSEPR theory, the molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules hydrogen bond, shapes of simple molecules, etc. This chapter has 40 questions. If you solve these questions, then it will help you to understand the topic in a better way.
Chapter 5- States of Matter
This chapter will introduce you to the concepts of the 3 main states of matter. We all know that the 3 states of matter are chemistry is solid, liquid and gas. But in this chapter, we will learn in-depth concepts of intermolecular interactions, melting points, boiling points, etc. We will also discuss a few famous laws like the relevance of Charles law, Boyle’s law, Avogadro’s law, Gay Lussac’s law, etc. These concepts will help you to understand how the 3 states of matter interact with each other. You will also learn about Avogadro’s number, how to derive a gas equation, etc. In this chapter, you will also learn about kinetic energy, critical temperature, liquefaction of gases, etc. You will also learn about molecular speeds and many other important things. The chapter has 23 questions, and these questions will you prepare the chapter seamlessly.
Chapter 6- Chemical Thermodynamics
In this chapter you will be introduced to concepts of systems, how are surroundings, work, energy, heat-related to each other. It will also discuss topics like state functions, intensive and extensive properties, etc. The gist of this chapter involves the First Law of Thermodynamics. You will learn how this Law involves heat capacity and specific heat, internal energy and enthalpy, and measurement of ΔU and ΔH. The chapter will also discuss Hess’s law of enthalpy of bond dissociation and constant heat summation. We will also discuss the different processes like formation, combustion, sublimation, atomization, ionization, phase transition, dilution, and solution, etc.
To make sure that the entire concept is clear to you, we have explained the second law of Thermodynamics, Gibb’s energy change for spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, Introduction of entropy as a state function, Third law of thermodynamics is a very simple format. This chapter might sound difficult, but our simple explanation will surely clear all your doubts. There are a total of 22 questions for this chapter. These questions cover the important parts of the chapter. So, if you prepare the questions and answers properly, then you can surely score well in your examinations.
Chapter 7- Equilibrium
In this chapter, you will get introduced to the concepts of equilibrium in chemical as well as physical processes. Overall we will study the nature of equilibrium. You will also learn about Le Chatelier’s principle and the factors affecting it. We will also learn about the equilibrium constant and the law of mass action. Furthermore, you will get introduced to strong and weak electrolytes, ionic equilibrium-ionization of bases and acids, degree of ionization, etc. This chapter has around 77 questions that cover all the important portions.
Chapter 8 – Redox Reaction
This chapter will help the students to gain an understanding of the process of oxidation and reduction. Students will also be able to learn about redox reactions in detail. All the information related to balancing the redox reaction and oxidation number will be provided. The chapter also discusses the concept of loss and gain of electrons. In-depth analysis regarding the application of redox reaction and the change in the oxidation number will also be initiated. A total of total questions related to this chapter will be provided so that the students can gain more knowledge about the chapter.
Chapter 9 – Hydrogen
This chapter will help you to gain an under about hydrogen in general and its position in the periodic table. Information related to isotopes and its preparation along with its properties will be the highlight of this chapter. The overall use of hydrogen will be discussed in this chapter. The chemical and physical properties of water along with data related to hydrides-ionic covalent and interstitial will also be addressed. The chapter also discusses the structure, preparation, reaction, and the use of hydrogen in detail. A brief insight into the use of hydrogen as a fuel will also be provided. Students can rely upon the additional 36 questions which are provided at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 10 – S – Block Elements [Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals]
Group 1 and 2 Elements
This chapter will help the students to learn about electronic configuration and its occurrences. Some of the most essential anomalous behavior with the properties of the very first element present in each group will be highlighted. The trends and diagonal relation related to the variation of the properties such as atomic and ionic radii will be shed light upon. Various trends revolving around chemical reactivity of elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, halogens, and water will also be discussed in this chapter. The properties as well as the preparation of essential compounds such as sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium carbonate, etc. will be taught. The importance of potassium and sodium will also be addressed. The industrial use of calcium carbonate and calcium oxide along with the biological importance of calcium and magnesium will be highlighted. A total of 32 chapter questions will also be present.
Chapter 11 – Some P – Block Elements
This chapter discusses the various aspects of P- Block elements. Students will be able to learn about the Group 13 Elements and the electronic configuration and the occurrence of the same. The variation in terms of the properties and the stages of oxidation will also be analyzed in this chapter. Activities related to chemical reactivity and properties of the first elements of the group will be highlighted in this chapter. Important components such as Borax, Boron Hydrides, Boric acid, etc. are all dissected in detail. The various reactions of aluminum to acid and alkalis will be identified as well. Group 14 elements and details about carbon-catenation, chemical, and physical properties will be mentioned. There are a total of 32 questions present at the end of this chapter which helps the students to gain a better understanding of this topic.
Chapter 12 – Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Techniques and Principles
The chapter caters to the important elements of Organic Chemistry. It talks about the very basics of purification along with the standard method of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The classification of IUPAC of organic compounds will also be discussed in this chapter. The electronic displacement in a covalent has been duly mentioned which helps the students to know more about inductive effects, resonance, and hyperconjugation. Information related to heterolytic and homolytic fission of various covalent bonds has been highlighted. In addition to all this information, 40 questions at the end of the chapter will help the students to clear relevant doubts regarding the concept of organic chemistry.
Chapter 13 – Hydrocarbons
The various classifications of Hydrocarbons will be discussed in detail. Its various uses and information based on its properties/reactions have also been highlighted. This chapter identifies and argues about concepts such as physical properties, Alkenes, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons – Alkanes, chemical reactions, combustion, isomerism, etc. 25 chapter questions are also included towards the end of the chapter.
Chapter 14 – Environmental Chemistry
This chapter highlights the concept of pollution in general which affects the air, water, and soil. The chemical reactions which take place in the atmosphere and result in the formation of smog have all been discussed in this chapter. The concept of ozone layer depletion and acid rain have been duly mentioned in the chapter. This chapter aims to raise awareness regarding the concept of the greenhouse effect, global warming, and industrial waste management. Students are taught about various alternate solutions which will help solve the issues related to pollution in the long run. An additional 20 questions are also framed at the end of the chapter.
How Many Chapter?
Fourteen chapters
There are Fourteen chapters in the main story of NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry
How NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry can help you reach your goals?
Chemistry is an interesting subject but many of your students might find it confusing to understand. It can be a struggle for many of you. But, hold on! There is always a solution to a problem |