Here we are providing NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi. The solutions are the latest and updated. You can download Solution for each and every chapter listed below chapter-wise.
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi – Free PDF Download
कक्षा 8 के लिए हिन्दी के प्रश्न उत्तर – दूर्वा तथा वसंत
CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi – वसंत, दूर्वा और भारत की खोज के प्रश्न उत्तर नीचे दिये गए हैं । ये सभी प्रश्न उत्तर इस सत्र 2024 के लिए बनाए गए हैं ।
यदि कोई त्रुटि हो तो विद्यार्धी हमें अवश्य बताएं ताकि हम उसे सही कर सकें । All the solutions are in PDF form to free download in updated form for session 2024. Download these solutions for offline use or use as it is without downloading online.
NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi (Durva) Chapter-wise List
NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi (Durva) Chapter-wise Pdf
भारत की खोज – पूरक पाठयपुस्तक
NOTE (Disclaimer): This Post May Potentially Match Another Post On The Internet As It Has Been Sourced From An Ncert Book. However, The Content Inside The Post, Including The Pdf Solution, Is My Original Work. Therefore, There Is A Possibility Of Up To 50% Similarity With Other Sources. But I Will Provide A Direct Pdf Link, Which Is Unique To My Website Across The Internet. Nevertheless, It’s Important To Emphasize The Sharing Of Knowledge Rather Than Just The Content Itself, As Finding Solutions Independently Is Vital, Regardless Of The Post’s Originality. This Post Appears To Have Been Excerpted From An Ncert Book Solution.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapterwise Solutions
Download NCERT Textbooks PDF for Free
Getting proficient in the national language is mandatory for all the citizens. And being an Indian, it’s important for every Indian to be expert in reading, writing and communicating in Hindi. All the central government office works are done in national language i.e. Hindi. You will find Hindi speaking community in every part of the country. Hindi is a compulsory subject till class X. After that a student is free to choose it as an elective subject.
When you learn Hindi, the thing does not suffice only on matras but you need to be sound on the grammar part as well. The idioms commonly known as lokoktis and muhavre are the key players in adding bells and whistles to your essays and other long answers. Knowledge of correct gender and tenses is very important in Hindi. For helping the students to get good marks in their school examinations, NCERT solutions for class 8 Hindi is a prerequisite.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Bharat ki Khoj
There are three NCERT books: Bharat ki khoj, Durva, and Vasant. The study materials at are excellent. The solutions are detailed and explained clearly to help students score over 90 in exams. If you’re still puzzled by the back exercise problems, you can click the link below to download the eBook. The book titled ‘Bharat ki Khoj’ has a chapter called ‘Ahmednagar ka kila’
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi
All the solutions for the 17 chapters in the Durva book are aligned with the latest CBSE syllabus. Starting from the first chapter, ‘gudiya,’ to the final chapter, 17, ‘Voh subah khabhi to aayegi,’ each chapter is covered in a systematic order. Students who study with our solutions are well-prepared to excel in their school exams. Our study materials are designed to match the current trends and marking scheme set by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
Similarly, all 18 chapters in the NCERT Class 8 Vasant textbooks are expertly organized. Our goal is to provide quality and affordable education to everyone. Not only students but also teachers can download these books to stay updated with the latest educational patterns.
Our free NCERT solutions provide students with a deep understanding of the subject, helping them perform excellently in both board and school exams. serves as a one-stop destination for all your textbooks and their solutions.

NCERT Book Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant – PDF Solutions
- Sound (Poem) – Exploring the world of sounds and their significance.
- Beads of Dew (Story) – A tale of a young girl and her fascination with dewdrops.
- The Bus Journey (Essay) – An essay reflecting on a memorable bus journey.
- Deewanon Ki Hasti (Poem) – Reflecting on the existence of poets and their work.
- The World of Letters (Letter) – A letter discussing the importance of letters in communication.
- The Postman (Story) – A story about the life of a postman and his experiences.
- What if It Finishes? (Essay) – An essay discussing the importance of water.
- This Is Not So Hard (Essay) – Reflecting on the challenges of life and their solutions.
- Kabir’s Stories (Story) – Stories reflecting the wisdom of the poet Kabir.
- The Lazy Bee (Story) – A story about a lazy bee and its consequences.
- When Cinema Entered (Interview) – An interview discussing the impact of cinema on society.
- Sudama Charit (Poem) – Exploring the story of Sudama from mythology.
- Where There Is Water (Story) – A story highlighting the value of water.
- The Eagle and the Snake (Poem) – A poem depicting the conflict between an eagle and a snake.
- Surdas’s Songs (Poems) – Exploring the songs of the poet Surdas.
- The Story of Water (Poem) – A poem narrating the journey of water.
- The Snake and the Eagle (Story) – A story about the encounter between a snake and an eagle.
- A New Cap (Story) – A story about the exchange of caps.
Durva Part 3 – Supplementary 19. Doll (Poem) – A poem about a doll.
- Two Sparrows (Story) – A story featuring two sparrows.
- Europe in Letters (Letter) – A letter describing Europe.
- Dew (Poem) – A poem about dew.
- Drama in Drama (Story) – A story about drama within a drama.
- Sea Journey (Travelogue) – A travelogue narrating a sea journey.
- Get Up, Farmer O (Poem) – A poem urging a farmer to wake up.
- The Bargain Hunt (Monologue) – A monologue about bargain hunting.
- Memories of a Player (Memoir) – A memoir recalling memories of a player.
- A Bus Trip (Story) – A story about a bus trip.
- How Hindi Changed Their Lives (Interview) – An interview on how Hindi impacted lives.
- The First Day of Ashadh (Poem) – A poem about the first day of Ashadh.
- Against Injustice (Story) – A story about standing up against injustice.
- Beloved Sri Keshav Shankar Pillai (Biography) – A biography of Sri Keshav Shankar Pillai.
- On the Carpet (Poem) – A poem about a carpet.
- The Talk of Old Amma (Folk Tale) – A folk tale about Old Amma.
- That Morning Will Come (Essay) – An essay expressing hope for a better morning.
Bharat Ki Khoj – Additional
Reading 36. Ahmednagar Ka Kila – Exploring the history of Ahmednagar Fort.
Ahmednagar Ka Kila – Continuing the exploration of Ahmednagar Fort’s historical significance.
You can also Download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus ans score more marks in your examinations.
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